Telephone Surveys Services
UCSR Services | Types of Surveys | UCSR Personnel | Cost of Services
The UCSR can survey almost any population, ranging from a single neighborhood to the entire nation. The UCSR provides services and capabilities that encompass all aspects of telephone surveying. Our professional staff can provide a sound methodological approach to survey construction, sampling, analysis, and presentation of results. Each telephone survey conducted by the UCSR is pre-tested to ensure the reliability of the survey instrument and the data collected. In addition, standardized call-back procedures and morning, afternoon, and evening surveying times are employed to ensure that every potential survey respondent has an opportunity to participate.
A 18 station Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) facility is used to perform a wide variety of telephone surveys. Using the CATI facility, data is collected efficiently and accurately. Supervisors are able to easily monitor and control interviewers. A variety of accuracy checks, including double-entry and data cross-checks, may be incorporated to ensure even greater data accuracy. The CATI facility also provides computer driven complex question branching, eliminating the potential for interviewer error common with manually performed question branching.
Situated in an academic environment, the UCSR draws on university staff expertise and a readily available and educated workforce. Surveys can be conducted in multiple languages using the multi-lingual ability of our interviewers. Drawing from the university student body, the UCSR employs a highly skilled and well trained staff of interviewers. Many UCSR interviewers studying survey methods at FHSU appreciate the opportunity to gain experience in survey research while they work toward their degree.