Annual technology fair on tap at Fort Hays State University
04/29/15 dgo
Students from about 30 middle and high schools will converge on Fort Hays State University's Gross Memorial Coliseum Friday for the 56th annual Western Kansas Technology Fair.
Participating will be students in grades seven through 12 in technology classes from schools mostly in the western half of the state.
Students bring to campus projects they have been working on throughout the year for display and for judging. Awards are given out in several categories, including live competitions.
The public is invited to view the projects anytime between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Projects include woods, metals, drafting, graphic arts, construction, computer-aided design, manufacturing, carbon dioxide cars and electric cars.
Top awards are given for winners in production systems; communication systems; power, energy and transportation; and multi-pupil and outstanding technology program. Certificates also are given for all class-level winners.
The highest honor at the event is to be given the people's choice plaque, the Fred Ruda Legacy Award, named in honor of a former instructor and chair of the former Department of Technology Studies, now the Institute of Applied Technology.
Ruda spent 39 years of his career at Fort Hays State, including the last 33 as department chair. He died in a car accident in April 2012.