Archived Survey Research Reports
Advanced Manufacturing, Aerospace Manufacturing and Support, Automotive Manufacturing and Support, Biosciences, Construction, HealthKansas Crime Victimization and Services Assessment Survey (2002)
American Civil Liberties (2016)Attitudes Toward the KS Forest Service Conservation Tree and Shrub Program (1999) Powerpoint
Burns & McDonnell (City of Sedona, AZ) (2016)
Burns & McDonnell (City of Springfield, MO) (2016)
City of Hays Population Study (2010)
City of Phillipsburg (2016)
City of Wakeeney (2018)
City of Salina - Curbside Recycling Survey (2012) (2017)
COAS Community Survey (2014)
Dodge City Community College Survey (2003)
Douglas County Workforce Skills Assessment Survey (2001)
ECKAN Community Partner and Client Surveys (2007)
Ellis County Community Partnership Proposed Ordinances Survey (2000)
Ellis County Shopping Survey (2002)
Ellsworth County Medical Center Healthcare Needs Assessment (2007)
Ellsworth County Medical Center Improvement Survey (2008)
FHSU Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning Technologies (2015)
FHSU College of Arts & Sciences (2014)
FHSU College of Education and Technology Mentors and Employers Survey (2009) (2012)
FHSU College of Education and Technology Former Student Pedagogical Behaviors and Opinions Survey (2007)(2009)
FHSU College of Health & Behavioral Sciences (2015)
FHSU DAWN Drinking Behaviors and Perceptions Social Norms Survey (2004) (2006) (2011) (2012) (2014) (2015)
FHSU Department of Chemistry (2016)
FHSU Department of Nursing (2016)
FHSU Economics (2011)
FHSU Equity Survey (2000)
FHSU Freshman Survey (2001)
FHSU Marketing Advertisment Survey (2000)
FHSU Office of Administration and Finance (2017)
FHSU Office of Student Affairs (2014)
FHSU Residential Life Housing Survey (2006)
FHSU Presidents Office - Dodge City Satellite Campus Study (2012)
FHSU Presidents Office - Safety Survey (2015)
FHSU Presidents Office - Student Media Survey (2013)
FHSU Schedule of Classes Publication Satisfaction Survey (2004)
FHSU Small Business Owners Survey (2004)
FHSU Student Affairs (2016)
FHSU Student Government - WIFI Survey (2013)
FHSU Student Perceptions Survey (2000)
FHSU Teacher Education Program - MTSS Survey (2012)
FHSU Teacher Education Program - Survey of Physics Teachers (2013)
FHSU University Relations Publications Satisfaction Survey (2004)
Garden City Services Survey (2000)
Great Bend Parks & Recreation Survey (2001)
Great Bend Chamber of Commerce Web Survey (2003)
Hays City Parks & Recreation Survey (2000)
Hays City Services Survey (2002) Powerpoint
Hays Housing Survey (1999)
Hays Medical Center - Comparison of HMC Center for Health Improvement Members and Non-Members on Health Status, Awareness of Health Issues, Health Improvement Attitudes, and Perceptions of the Center (2003)
Hays Public Library (2000)
Hays Recreation Commission (2008) (2009)
Hays Senior Housing Marketing Survey (2000)
Heart of Kansas Family Healthcare, Inc. (2010)
Home Depot/Sales Tax Structure Survey (2004)
Institute for Policy and Social Research (2011)
Jewell County Community Development (2016)
Junction City Growth Survey (2008)
KAN-ED Service Utilization Surveys (2004)
Kansas Alternative/Complementary Medicine Survey: Exploring Consumer Behavior in Kansas (2002)
Kansas Board of Regents Council of Faculty Senate Presidents (2016)
Kansas Board of Regents Industry Leaders Interviews- Advanced Manufacturing, Aerospace Manufacturing and Support, Automotive Manufacturing and Support, Bioscience, Construction, Health (2008)
Kansas Board of Regents Retirement Survey (2011)
Kansas Board of Regents Student Advisory Committee (2015)
Kansas Creative Arts (2014)
Kansas Crime Victim Service Providers Survey (2002)
Kansas Department of Health and Environment (2015)
Kansas Department of Health and Environment - Rural Health Survey (2014)
Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks Survey of Landowners on Opinions About Deer Populations in KS (2001)
Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks Kansas Presence of and Attitudes Toward Furbearer Species (2000)
Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks Public Opinion Survey of Deer Management in Kansas (2007)
Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks Survey of Resident and Non-Resident Kansas Hunting License Holders: Hunting Demographic Profile, Importance, Satisfaction, Barriers (2006)
Kansas Domestic Violence Victim Services Awareness, Use and Satisfaction Studey (2007)
Kansas Health Foundation (2014)
Kansas Health Policy Authority - Medicaid Beneficiary Photo Identification Requirement Study (2006)
Kansas Inc., Kansas Consumer Sentiment (2006)
Kansas Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, and County and District Attorneys Crime Victim Issues Survey (2002)
Kansas Public Health Association Fluoride Survey (2004)
Kansas Small Business Development Center (KSBDC) - Client Satisfaction Analysis (2010)
Kansas State University Department of Agronomy (2015)
Kansas State University Office of Local Government - Cloud County (2007)
Kansas State University Office of Local Government - Harvey County (2012)
Kansas State University Office of Local Government - Sheridan County (2010)
Kansas State University Office of Local Government - Trego County (2008)
Kansas State University Office of Local Government - Woodson and Coffee Counties (2013)
LINK Employee Survey Report (2004)
Living Independently in Northwest Kansas (2013)
Manhattan Area Quality of LIfe Survey (2003)
Merced SBDC Regional Network (2014) (2015)
Office of Rural Health (2014)
Oral Health Awareness, Attitudes, and Behaviors Among Kansans (2008)
Phillips County Senior Issues Survey (2007)
Public Square Communities (2013)
Reformation Project (2015)
Reno County Resident Yellow Pages Usage Survey (2008)
Republic County Economic Development (2012)
RTI International (2009) (2014) (2015) (2017)
State of State Kansas (2010)
St. Louis Community College (2016)
State Technical College of Missouri (2016)
TCC Group/Kansas Health Foundation (2013)
TCC Group/Kansas Leadership Center (2014)
TCC Kansas Leadership Center (2014)
USD #109 (2013)
USD #327 (2012)
USD #388 (2013)
USD #466 (2017)
United Way of Ellis County Surveys Assessing Need and Perceived Need in Ellis County (2003)
Wichita State University - Statewide Evaluation Survey of the KS Health Foundation's (2002) (data collection for client use)
Wichita State University Self-Help Network (2002) (data collection for client use)