KAMS/AMS student research featured at FHSU Scholarly & Creative Activities Day
April 21, 2020
Over 30 KAMS/AMS students have their research featured in the FHSU Scholarly & Creative Activities Day (SACAD) online forum. This event is usually held on campus each year, but due to the postponement of on-campus activities due to COVID-19, the university moved all displays online. The posters can be accessed at this link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQSL7JPwLM6okXMn5eZJEseMrmzPiPdpJfDgAXLBqLIAM3oVwZkUDQznW6CIqvcgxVlQHVZqHj0bIfw/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g835ffcace7_0_157
KAMS/AMS students featured are:
Rufang Bai (China), junior
Teddy Barfield (Wichita), senior
Kayla Brannick (Silver Lake), junior
Daheng Chen (China), senior
Eugene Chon (Korea), senior
Andrew Dodge (Haysville), junior
Xiao Du (China), junior
Karen Eikleberry (Salina), senior
James Hole (Wichita), senior
James Hyun (Korea), senior
Mia Jang (Korea), senior
Sangwon Ji (Korea), junior
Lia Kim (Korea), senior
Doheon Lee (Korea), senior
Minki Lee (Korea), senior
Peter Lee (Hays), senior
Junyao Li (China), junior
Ruonan Liu (China), senior
Qiyang Liu (China), junior
Shelby Oshel (Parsons), senior
Seojoon Park (Korea), senior
Kate Rues (La Crosse), senior
Alexander Seelye (Junction City), junior
Yaseong Shim (Korea), senior
Michelle Storey (Sedgwick), senior
Ivan Tidwell (Kansas City), senior
Richard Whitehill (Goddard), senior
Haofeng Xu (China), junior
Jin Seok Youn (Korea), junior
Sheena Zeng (Hays), senior
Yiyao Zhang (China), senior
Yinuo Zhao (China), senior