Registration open for rain barrels
04/03/15 cu
HAYS, Kan. -- The local portion of the national water conservation project "Roll Out the Rain Barrel" is now taking registrations for barrel reservations.Fort Hays State University's home horticulture students will build 55-gallon rain barrels, which will be ready for pick up from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 9, at the KSU Agricultural Research Center, 1232 240th Ave. Each barrel is $26; purchases are limited to four barrels per address.
Pre-registration is preferred. Registration forms are available at www.mykansas However, students will make extra barrels, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Checks must be payable to the Ellsworth County Conservation District.
Home horticulture students at FHSU have made barrels for the rain barrel project since 2009. Their involvement is a service-learning project component of their course work.
For more information, contact Stacie Minson, KSU watershed specialist. at 785-628-3295, or you can visit
04/03/15 cu