Kansas ACLU visiting Fort Hays State University
11/06/15 cu
HAYS, Kan. -- Fort Hays State University's Political Science Department and the American Democracy Project will host a presentation given by Dr. Micah Kubic, Executive Director of the Kansas American Civil Liberties Union, titled "Let Kansas Vote.
The presentation will be at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 9, in the Memorial Union's Black and Gold Room. It will discuss the current state of voting rights in Kansas and the ACLU's work regarding voting rights in the state
The event is open to students, staff and faculty members at FHSU, as well as the Hays community, and is being co-sponsored by FHSU's American Democracy Project.
For more information, contact the FHSU Political Science Department at 785-628-4425 or the American Democracy Project at 785-628-5399.