Physics Student Resources
Journals & Databases
The Physics Teacher
American Journal of Physics
American Physical Society (APS) Journals
Institute of Physics (IOP) Journals
Open Access Online Physics ArXive
Interactive simulations from the Physics Education Technology (PhET) Project
Communities for Physics and Astronomy Digital Resources in Education (ComPADRE)
Forsythe Library Search Tips
If you would like to browse for books related to the study of Physics, look in the areas below in the General Collection on the 2nd floor, or the Reference Collection on the Main floor:
1-999 Physics
81-114 Weights and Measures
120-168.85 Descriptive and Experimental Mechanics
170-197 Atomic Physics. Constitution and Properties of Matter Including Quantum Theory, Solid-State Physics
220-246 Acoustics. Sound
251-338.5 Heat
350-467 Optics, Light (Including Spectroscopy)
474-496.9 Radiation Physics
501-766 Electricity and Magnetism
770-798 Nuclear and Particle Physics, Atomic Energy, Radioactivity
801-809 Geophysics, Cosmic Physics
811-849 Geomagnetism
851-999 Meteorology, Climatology
FHSU Physics Google+
Office suite
Plotting software
LaTeX Typesetting software
LaTeX Typesetting interface
Python compiler and Spyder IDE
Linux OS (or here)
Arduino (or here)
Raspberry Pi (or here)
Physics & Astronomy Club
Physics Career & Internship Resources
Academic Advising and Career Exploration Center
American Physical Society Career Page
American Physical Society Internships Page
Physics Today Job Board
American Astronomical Society Internships Page
National Science Foundations REU Internships
Engineering School Resources
Best Engineering Schools (U.S. News & World Report 2015 Rankings)
Kansas State University Engineering Program
University of Kansas Engineering Program
Wichita State University Engineering Program