Roberta Martine, Ph.D.
FHSU Online Lecturer
Roberta graduated with a degree in English from St. Mary of the Plains College in 1965. Upon graduation, she returned to New Jersey, where she taught high school English for a three years. There she also began her affiliation as a Technical Writer with Bell Telephone Laboratories, a company that she followed to Colorado from which she formally retired in 2000.
During the course of her involvement with industry, Roberta earned a M.S. in Telecommunications from the University of Colorado in 1988 and had two books published: Basic Traffic Analysis (Prentice Hall, 1993) and LAN Basics (Intertec Publishing, 1992).
Despite her constant full-time employment in industry, Roberta found some time to devote to obtaining an M.A. in Anthropology from the University of Colorado in 1982. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology at the University of Colorado in Boulder, specializing in nutritional anthropology. She intends to research diabetes among the Hispanic population for her dissertation.
Roberta is currently an instructor for us on our international UIBE campus in Beijing, China. She is uniquely qualified to teach courses from a distance as she holds a certification in designing and implementing web-based learning environments from the University of Colorado.