Research and Scholarly Activities
The mission of the Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship states in part, "Faculty add value to student instruction and the community through scholarly activity and ongoing professional engagement." The fundamental drive behind research and scholarly activities in the Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship is to strengthen learning experiences in the classroom and beyond with the intent of benefiting students and external stakeholders.
Through research and scholarly activities, faculty develop and stay current in their areas of expertise. These activities first benefit students, but they also benefit businesses, economic development and academic disciplines. The college has faculty who are known nationally and internationally for their research and writing in a variety of fields. It has faculty whom provide articles and books with direct application to businesses and professionals. The college has faculty who are sought out by a variety of companies as consultants due to their expertise and knowledge. These connections help to open doors for student employment and partnerships that benefit students. The college has faculty who perform respected research on effective teaching and learning of business and technology concepts and applications.
The college supports faculty research and scholarly activity by providing:
- Funding to attend academic conferences and workshops;
- Equipment, software, and statistical support;
- Release time, sabbaticals, and summer research funding;
- Student assistants
The Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship holds on-going research lunches at which faculty share their research with colleagues. It offers faculty consulting opportunities through the Management Development Center and the Docking Institute of Public Affairs. The College has two endowed Kansas Board of Regents Faculty of Excellence positions which are deployed to support faculty scholarship. Funding from the Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship Partners provides private money that is also used for faculty development. The Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship Research Committee promotes scholarly activities and serves as the college’s human subjects review committee in conjunction with the FHSU Graduate School.
Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship faculty involve many of its graduate students in research – whether in formal classroom or laboratory activities or as research assistants. Undergraduate research is an exciting means of engaging and challenging bright and talented students. Both undergraduate and graduate students are involved in a variety of projects and topic areas. Students have the opportunity to co-author works with faculty and/or to present jointly or by themselves at academic and professional conferences.