Quad/Union Advertising
All forms of media must abide by the University posting policy, and are subject to approval by the Union Administration office. Media must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the posting date and no earlier than three weeks prior to the event. Advertisement content must be in accordance with University values and policy. Refer to University Relations identity standards for logo, color, tagline, etc. Advertisements containing any FHSU identifiers (Fort Hays State University, FHSU, or the Tiger) must obtain permission for advertising through University Relations before submitting the ad. Union and Quad Advertisements are subject to the same guidelines as poster route. Please click here for media guidelines and recommendations.
The organization looking to post is responsible for booking the space(s) they would like to post their media with the Union Administration Office. Once booked, the Union must also approve the media. The organization is responsible for providing the posters and dropping them off at the Union Administration Office. The Union will take care of poster placement and removal.
The Union offers seven locations available for banners throughout the building. There are six interior spaces and one exterior space.
Interior banners must measure 24" wide x 72" long.
Limit one banner space per advertisement/event.
Chalking is restricted to the sidewalks on the quad. Groups may not chalk the Union patios or walls of buildings. Groups can chalk as early as two weeks prior to the event. Verbage and projected design must be submitted for approval to the Union. Requests can be sent via email, at fhsuunion@fhsu.edu, or by calling the Union Administration Office at 628-5305.
Digital Signage
The Union has four monitors around the building that can display event promotions. Ads must be submitted for approval and posting to the Union via email, at fhsuunion@fhsu.edu. Student organizations and campus departments can submit advertisements. Please note that digital signage may not be used for campaigns or elections. Landscape orientation is preferred.
All submissions must be a PNG file, and should include the following information:
- Name of event/promotion
- Date, time, and location
- Sponsoring organization or department
- Contact information
- FHSU approved departmental/organizational logo
The Union reserves the right to refuse any advertisements that do not adhere to the policies stated here. The Union reserves the right to utilize necessary screens for university-wide events or announcements. Limit one slide per advertisement/event.
Exterior Signs
The Union has four spaces for exterior sign postage. Exterior signs must measure 24" wide x 43" tall. These signs are directly outside the Union between the North and South Patios. Limit one exterior sign space per advertisement/event.
Table Tents
Table tent displays are placed on the table tops in Cody Commons and Union Station dining areas. Table tent posters should be 4" wide x 6" tall. It is recommended that 40 copies are provided, however 40 locations are not guaranteed.
There are sixteen spaces on T-stands spread throughout the Union that are available. These posters should measure 22" wide x 28" tall. Limit one T-stand space per advertisement/event.
Yard Signs
Yard signs are eligible for posting, but they are placed by the requestor, unlike the rest of Union Advertising. Verbiage and projected design must be submitted for approval to the Union. Requests can be sent via email, at fhsuunion@fhsu.edu, or by calling the Union Administration Office at 628-5305.
Neptune Radio Ads
Neptune radio advertisements run intermittently over the Memorial Union radio which can be heard in all Union common areas. Submit your event details a minimum of 48 hours in advance using this TigerLink Request Form to advertise your event.