2024 KAMS Summer STEM Summit
Date: Sunday-Tuesday 2, 3, 4 June 2024
Location: KAMS Residential Early College Program, Fort Hays State University
Phone: 785-628-4690
Email: kamssummer@fhsu.edu
Fun with Vacuums: Supersonic Ping Pong
Use a PVC pipe and vacuum pump to launch a ping pong ball at supersonic speeds. You will get to practice physics hands-on in groups of four by building and launching a ping-pong cannon.
The Science of Survival
Explore the physics behind building a fire by rubbing two sticks together--learn how to extract clean water from mud. Investigate the science behind essential survival techniques that could keep you alive in the wild!
Have you ever wanted to see a rubber ducky fly? In this demo, you will take an active role in developing different hypotheses of what will happen when a 50-gallon trashcan volcano erupts. How far will rubber duckies fly, and in which direction? Is there a reason why some fly farther than others? Find out why!!
Chemistry in Our Everyday Life
This is an educational and fun-filled experience to explore the chemistry of food, cooking, colors, and art! Come find out how you can apply chemistry in your kitchen, household, and everyday life!